Below, you can learn more about what a boarding school is, including academics, daily life, athletics and extracurricular activities, and residential life. We have also gathered the many benefits of boarding school and the most important reasons to attend one of these excellent schools!
What is boarding school?
Despite what you sometimes see in media, in Hollywood movies, and on the internet, boarding schools are not just strict religious or military schools for troubled kids. Of course, these schools exist and work very well for some people, but they do not represent the full picture. Instead, most boarding schools today appeal to parents and students who want the best possible education in the best possible environment.
So, what exactly is a boarding school? The short answer is simple: at a boarding school, students not only attend classes, they also live at the school. Instead of going home at the end of the day, after classes and activities, students go home for vacations, with some local students also going home for weekends depending on the school. However, in reality, there is a bit more to boarding school than that.
high acedemic standards & ties to top coleges and universities world wide
wide variety of exciting athletics & extracurricular activities
strong traditions, global communities & safe and supportive environments
There is no risk of “less than” at a boarding school, and all traditional courses of each school’s country are still offered. U.S. schools will offer a High School Diploma, while U.K. school students will sit for their A-Level. Some schools also offer the world-renowned and respected International Baccalaureate Diploma, ideal for students seeking a globally recognized education.
What makes boarding school academics unique are the many different, often hundreds of courses and special programs often offered. With niche STEM courses starting students on technology and engineering, respected, creative dance and music programs, and high class athletic education programs, students can find their specialty and excel already before moving on to higher education.
Most schools also focus on blending traditional and innovative academics with lessons that teach personal skills such as leadership, teamwork, and social dynamics. Some schools also offer the stepping stone of college-credit earning courses for students wanting to graduate early.
By offering a well-rounded curriculum, boarding schools prepare students for both the rigorous academic life at college and university and for a successful professional and personal life later on.
Boarding schools typically follow a highly structured schedule with predetermined times set for meals, classes, breaks, study times, activities, and spare time. Classes usually run from 7 or 8 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon with lunch and breaks interspersed between. The afternoons are for athletics, clubs, and other extracurricular activities before dinner is served.
The hours after dinner are spent on studying or as free time before curfew and bedtime, sometimes depending on the age of the student. This blend of structure and freedom is excellent preparation for later life and teaches independence, self-management, and confidence.
The level of strictness varies from school to school. Students are normally at least responsible for keeping their room clean and tidy. Some schools rotate in more duties such as helping with preparation and cleaning after meals or setting up for class.
Typically, U.K. boarding schools, especially older ones, place more emphasis on strict discipline, rigor, and seniority, which will sometimes include more duties, normally based on class level and age group, as well as wearing a uniform. In comparison, some U.S. schools are more democratic, although some will still require uniform and student participation in duties.
While there are some differences between U.K. and U.S. styles, all the above depends on each individual school. You can find stricter schools in the U.S. just as well as less disciplined schools in the U.K. Contact Global Boarding for a conversation and guidance about which of our schools will fit your requirements.
Boarding schools also place great importance on the experience outside the classroom, including athletics, clubs and other activities. Both U.S. and U.K. schools prioritize creating fully-rounded young adults, who not only possess excellent academic skills, but also important life skills such as dedication, self-reliance, motivation, innovation, strong morals and values, leadership, creative thinking, and self-confidence. Skills like these are honed on the sports field, on the theatre stage, in debate club, and around the school.
Schools take different approaches to extracurricular activities. In the U.S., some merely encourage students to participate, while participation is mandatory in other schools, such as playing on a sports team, joining a club, taking on a leadership role or engaging in community service.
In the U.K., there may be less emphasis on this aspect of a student’s high school education, particularly when it comes to sports. However, participation in activities, especially ones that go hand-in-hand with a student’s studies (think: math club, debate or theatre) is always encouraged, and U.K. schools still offer a wide range of athletics, clubs, and activities.
Residential life is a crucial part of the boarding school experience. Depending on the school, students live in dormitories or houses of various sizes, sharing with local or international peers of the same gender. Some have a house kitchen and living space, while others meet across dormitories in the common school facilities. What is certain is that students are never left to fend for themselves. They are supported by live-in house parents, who may for example be teachers or other staff connected to the school.
By being in charge of their “home,” students learn responsibility, time management, social and emotional intelligence, and independence. At the same time, they do so in a safe, comfortable, and supportive community environment. They are surrounded by peers living the same experience and by teachers and staff offering support and mentorship.
Boarding school residential life is the ideal space for students to grow up to be mature young adults, who also have a built-in social network of peers from all around the world. That way, students learn to appreciate cultural diversity and develop a global mindset that is invaluable in today’s world.
why choose a boarding school?
- The personal growth of living in a small, close knit community
- Small, challenging classes taught by teachers who care for and support each student
- The opportunity for deep friendships with students from around the world.
The benefits of boarding school
Forbes Magazine calls boarding schools “twenty-four hour, intentional communities created with the student’s growth and development at the center,” which is spot on. One aspect is of course academic. At boarding schools, students are stimulated intellectually in ways beyond traditional schools.
Because they are surrounded by like-minded, success-oriented peers, students also tend to be more motivated. The small classes also allow teachers to provide plenty of individual attention and optimize student potential.
Boarding school facilities are extensive, and the many unique athletic, creative, leadership, and service offerings allow students to further develop practical, personal, and social skills. There is a great variety of boarding schools across the world. By choosing a boarding school that caters to their specific interests, students can find their niche and develop their talents.
Research shows that:
- 77% of boarding school graduates say that their school provides opportunities for leadership compared to 60% and 52% of graduates from private day and public schools.
- 87% of graduates report being very well prepared academically for college compared to 71% and 39% of graduates from private day and public schools.
- 78% of boarding school graduates report being very well prepared for independence, social life, and time management compared to 36% and 23% of graduates from private day and public schools.
- Boarding students have both more creative and more active hours per day than peers at private day and public schools - 9 hours compared to 4.
- Boarding school students have more than double the time per week with teachers, coaches, and staff members outside of class than private day and public school students.
the role of global boarding
As you can see, there are various things to consider when deciding which boarding school is right for you. All of our schools share some common characteristics: excellent academics, an exciting variety of athletics and extracurricular activities, and a high quality residential program.
Each school is also unique in its own way. Is your priority a specific location? The chance to improve your skills on the football field or your equestrian show jumping? Is a nationally ranked debate team calling your name?
Global Boarding helps you navigate through the many different options and provides guidance in the process of choosing a school and applying. Take a look at our many schools and contact us for a talk about your wishes. We are sure that we have the right fit for you!